Java OOPS - (Object Oriented Programming System)

Object means real work entity such as computer, mouse, table, book etc. Object oriented Programming is methodology or paradigram to design a program using class and object. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) consist some important concepts namely Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Abstraction, These feature are generally referred to as the OOP’s concept.  An Object has some state and behaviour. In java state is the set of values of an Object’s variables and behaviour of an object implement an method.
Class can be considered as the blueprint or a template for an object. and describe properties and behaviour of that object.
Static variables and method are not purely object oriented because they are not specific to instance (object)but common to all instances,

Encapsulation is the process of wrapping of the data (properties) and behaviour (methods)of an object into single unit; and single unit here is class (interface).
Note: Encapsulate in plain English meaning to enclose or be enclose in or as if in capsule. In Java Everything is enclose within a class and interface.
Encapsulation enables data hidinghiding irrelevant information from the users of a class and exposing only the relevant details required by the user. We can expose our operations hiding the details of what is needed to perform that operation.
class Loan{
    private int duration;  //private variables examples of encapsulation
    private String loan;
    private String borrower;
    private String salary;

    //public constructor can break encapsulation instead use factory method
    private Loan(int duration, String loan, String borrower, String salary){
        this.duration = duration; = loan;
        this.borrower = borrower;
        this.salary = salary;

   //no argument consustructor omitted here
   // create loan can encapsulate loan creation logic
     public Loan createLoan(String loanType){
       //processing based on loan type and then returning loan object
     return loan;
 In this same example of Encapsulation in Java you see all member variables are made private so they are well encapsulated you can only change or access this variable directly inside this class. if you want to allow outside world to access these variables is better creating a getter and setter e.g. getLoan().

Base On Design Patter: Factory Pattern with is used to create a objects and Singleton pattern is best example for encapsulation.

Inheritance is a process by which one object acquires the properties and behaviours of another object. Means Inheritance describes the parent (also called base class or super class) child (also called sub-class or derived class) relationship between two classes.
Example: consider a Vehicle parent class and a child class Car. Vehicle class will have properties and functionalities common for all vehicles. Car will inherit those common properties from the Vehicle class and then add properties which are specific to a car.
Note: Inheritance represents the IS-A relationship also known as parent-chield relationship.
Type of inheritance in Java:
1. Single (Class A  extends Class B)
2. Multilevel (Class A Extends Class B and Class B Extends C)
3. Hierarchical (Class A extends Class B and Class A Extends C)
Note: Multiple Inheritances is not supported in java through class, But we can achieve multiple inheritances only through interface.

Polymorphism is the feature that allows on interface to used for a general class of supports different kinds of polymorphism like overloading (compile time polymorphism) and overriding (Run time polymorphism).
When you refer to a child class object using a Parent reference (e.g.  Parent p = new Child ()) and invoke a method, the overriden child class method will be invoked. Here, the actual method called will depend on the object at runtime, not the reference type. 
Overriding is not applicable for static methods or variables (static and non-static). In case of variables (static and non-static) and static methods, when you invoke a method using a reference type variable, the method or variable that belong to the reference type is invoked.

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