ATG Commerce Order, Shipping, Payment Status Code

Order States: The status of an order indicates where the order is in the order process. You can view the order order’s status in the commerce service canter on the order Details page.

Order Statuses
The order has been approved by either an approver of the organization or an agent.
The Order has been cancelled. It will not be shipped to customer.
The order has been submitted to the warehouse staff to begin fulfilment.
The Order is unfinished and has not been checked out by the customer.
No Pending Action
The order has shipped.
Pending Approval
The Order requires the approval of an approval of the organization or the agent before it can complete the checkout process.
Pending Remove
The Order is in the process of being cancelled.
The Order is being packed and prepared for shipment to the customer.

Shipping Group Statuses: The Status of a shipping group indicates where the individual shipping group is in the shipping process. Note that for orders with multiple shipping addresses, each shipping address has its own states. The following table describes each shipping group states.

Shipping Status
The beginning state of a shipping group.
No Pending Action
The items in the shipping group have shipped. They are en route to the designed shipping address.
Pending Shipment Action
The items in the shipping group are packages and ready to ship.
The items in the shipping group are being prepared for shipment
Payment Group Statuses: The status of a payment group indicates where the payment group, typically a credit card, is in the payment process. You can view the status of each payment group for an order on the Order Payment page. The following table describes each payment group status.

Payment Status
Authorization for a charge to the credit card has succeeded.
Authorize Failed
Authorization for a charge to the credit card has failed.
Credit Failed
A credit of a specific amount has failed to be applied to the credit card.
The beginning state of a credit card.
Settle Failed
A charge of a specific amount has failed to be applied to the credit card.
A charge of a specific amount has been applied successfully to the credit card.

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