ATG Pricing Calculator

New Calculator are fit into existing ATG commerce pricing architecture ,In ATG four  the calculator are present:
1) atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingCalculator
2) atg.commerce.princing.OrderPricingCalculator
3) atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingCalculator
4) atg.commerce.pricing.TaxpricingCaliculator.

For Example: if you want to create new  item  pricing, implement  ItemPricingCalulcator.
Condition:- assume you have identified a need for a calculator that sets an item’s price to half its current price plus one The existing ATG Commerce tools include an ItemDiscountCalculator that discounts items. It can give a percent off a price or an amount off, or it can set an item’s price to a fixed amount. None of these three options, however, easily gives a “half off plus one” discount. To achieve that result, you would have to use two different discounts: one to give 50 percent off, and another to add 1 to that total. A better alternative would be to create a new calculator that discounts an item’s price to half its current price plus one.

Step 1:-Create a new Component under
Step: create new class “” and extends ItemDiscountCalculator and override findAdjustedPrice() method.

package com.corbuse.commerce.pricing;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import atg.commerce.order.Order;
import atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo;
import atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator;
import atg.commerce.pricing.PricingException;
import atg.repository.RepositoryItem;

public class HalfPlusOneItemDiscountCalculator extends ItemDiscountCalculator {
             * Override the findAdjustedPrice to allow us to always compute the
             * new price of the input DetailedItemPriceInfo to be half its current
             * price plus one.
             * @param pDetailedItemPriceInfo the details on the item being priced
             * @param pPriceQuotes list of itemPriceInfo
             * @param pItems list of commerceItems
             * @param pPricingModel pricing model being used to calculate price
             * @param pProfile users profile, not used here
             * @param pLocale users locale, not used here
             * @param pOrder users order, not used here
             * @param pExtraParameters map of extra params, not used here
             * @return a value of type 'double'
             * @exception PricingException if an error occurs
            public double findAdjustedPrice(DetailedItemPriceInfo pDetailedItemPriceInfo,
                List pPriceQuotes,
                List pItems,
                RepositoryItem pPricingModel,
                RepositoryItem pProfile,
                Locale pLocale,
                Order pOrder,
                Map pExtraParameters) throws PricingException {
                // current price of an item
                double currentAmount = pDetailedItemPriceInfo.getAmount();
                return ( currentAmount / 2) + 1;
            } // end findAdjustedPrice


Step 2: Update the pricingModels Repository,
Create a new pricingModel.xml under the atg/commerce/pricing/pricingMpdel.xml

      <item-descriptor expert="false" sub-type-value="Item Discount - half off plus one" id-separator=":"
            display-name-resource="itemDiscount - halfoffplusone" writable="true" version-property="version" super-type="Item Discount"
            cache-mode="simple" id-space-name="promotion" content="false" folder="false" default="false" query-cache-size="1000" hidden="false"
            name="Item Discount - half off plus one" use-id-for-path="false" item-cache-size="1000">
            <attribute name="resourceBundle" value="atg.commerce.PricingModelsTemplateResources" />

            <table name="dcs_discount_promo" id-column-name="promotion_id" type="auxiliary" shared-table-sequence="1">
                  <property expert="false" readable="true" category-resource="categoryACCOnly" display-name-resource="pricingCalculatorService" writable="true"
                        cache-mode="inherit" column-name="calculator" default="/atg/commerce/pricing/calculators/HalfPlusOneItemDiscountCalculator"
                        data-type="string" hidden="false" name="pricingCalculatorService" required="false" queryable="true">
                        <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
                        <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="100" />
                  <property expert="false" readable="true" category-resource="categoryACCOnly"
                        column-name="adjuster" display-name-resource="adjusterPercent" data-type="double" hidden="false" writable="true" name="adjuster"
                        required="false" cache-mode="inherit" queryable="true">
                        <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="60" />
            <property expert="true" readable="true" category-resource="categoryACCOnly" default="halfoffplusone" display-name-resource="discountType" data-type="string"
                  hidden="false" writable="true" name="discountType" required="false" cache-mode="inherit" queryable="true">
                  <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
                  <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="80" />

      <item-descriptor name="promotion">
            <table name="dcs_promotion" id-column-name="promotion_id" type="primary">
                  <property expert="false" readable="true" category-resource="categoryBasics" column-name="promotion_type" display-name-resource="discountType"      
                        data-type="enumerated" hidden="true" writable="true" name="type" required="false" cache-mode="inherit" queryable="true">
                        <option value="Item Discount - half off plus one" code="4" />

Step 3: now Create new promotion
1)   Open http:localhost:8080/dyn/admin/
2)   Open ATG Control Center Admistrator.
3)   Open Pricing tab,under pricing click on promotions .
4)   Create new promotions (Note: when you will create on new promotions you can see Custom item type promotion name).
5)   When you will create new Promotion ,you can check the date base tables also(dcs_promotion, dcs_discount_promo)
6)   Check below the screen shot:
7)   You can check the way  ItemPricingCalculator oney way you will added new item into card or check below link:

ATG Pricing Calculator

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