QlikView Basic

The QlikView Business Discovery platform consist of the three major components
1) QlikView Disktop
2) QlikView Server(QVS)
3) QlikView Publisher

Each of the component play as important part in Designing,Developing and implementating almost every QlikView Deployment.

QlikView Desktop:
- To Create a data extract and transframation model
- To Create a graphical user interface(GUI)
- To Create analysis

QlikView server(QVS):
- In memory analysis engine
- Manages reload process
- Multiple users can work simultaneously without interfacing with each other.
- Scalable solution
- Single point of entry for all documents via Access Point 
- Security

QlickView publisher :
- Server Side Product
- Load data directly from data source via connection in QVW file
Ensure the right data and the appropriated QVD files are distributed to correct business users.
- Incressed possibilities for securing data with different type of data reduction
- Enterprise Scalability

Basic Flow Diagram :

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