Step 1: Download the latest software for hibernate
- Eclipse latest version
- Hibernate-5 Latest Version
- MySQL database Latest version
- MySQL Database Driver
- Apache-Maven 3.2 or 3.3
Step 2: Configure maven 3.2 in your local environment and execute bellow command
on console,this project will create into you user folder.
mvn archetype:generate
-DgroupId=com.javawebtutor -DartifactId=HibernateExample
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
Step 2: open the eclipse and create java project
Go to à File à import à Existing Maven Project
Step 2: Click next à finish,
you will get bellow screen.
Step 3:Added jar dependencies into pom.xml
<!-- MySQL connector -->
<!-- Hibernate 5.2.6 Final -->
<!-- MySQL connector -->
<!-- Hibernate 5.2.6 Final -->
Step 4: Create a Hibernate configuration file
Create an XML file hibernate.cfg.xml under /resources folder
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD//EN"
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/JAVAWEBWORLD</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
Step 5 Then create sample example an execute it.
Create an XML file hibernate.cfg.xml under /resources folder
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD//EN"
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/JAVAWEBWORLD</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
Step 5 Then create sample example an execute it.
See sample example on hibernate
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