Q3.What is the difference between an ArrayList and Vector?
Ans: ArrayList is not thread safe and vector is thread
safe because synchronization.
In vector class each method like add(),add(int i) is
surrounded with synchronized block,
Both vector and ArrayList hold into their contents. A vector
defaults to double the size of
it's array which ArrayList increase it's array size be 50
percentage .
vector is thread-safe that way the performance is slower
than ArrayList.
Q2. Defference Between comparable and Comparator in java?
Ans: Comparable and comparator both are the generic
interface in java used to compare the data element of object.
Comparable interface is present in the java.lang.package and
comparator interface is present in Java.util package .
The basic difference between Comparable and Comparator
interfaces is the comparable interface provides
the single sorting sequence and Comparator interface provide
the multiple sorting sequences.
The Comparable interface contains only single method
Public int compareTo(Object obj) .In Comparator
interface contain two methods Public int compare(Object obj1,Object obj2)
and boolean equals(Object obj).
Note: If you want to sorte the objects in natural ordering
then you can used the Comparable interface
and If you want to sort objects based in any attribute then
comparator interface is used.
Q3.What is the difference between HashMap and HashTable?
Ans: HashMap is not Synchronized in natural but HashTable is
thread safe. HashMap is traversed using an iterator, HashTable can
enumerator or iterator. HashMap permit null values and only
one null key, while HashTable does not allow key or value as null.
Q4. What is difference between Enumeration and Iterator in
Ans:Iterator interface introduced in JDK 1.2 and
Enumerattion interface is ther from JDK 1.0
In both of the interfaces Enumeration can only traverses the
Collection Object and you can not do any modifications to collection while
traversing it.
In Iterator you can remove an element of the
colleciton while traversing it.
Q5. What is difference iterator and ListIterator ?
Ans: Iterator is used for traversing List and Set both
but ListIterator to traverse List Only.
We can traverse in only forward direction using Iterator,
using ListIterator we can traverse a List in both direction (forward and
In ListIterator using we can add element at any time while
Q6. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList ?
Ans: ArrayList internally uses dynamic array to sore the elements and LinkedList internally uses Double Linked List to store the elements.
For manipulatation ArrayList is Slow becuase it's internally uses array and LinkList is faster because it's uses Double Linked List.
ArrayList is goven good performance in Sorting and Accessing data and LinkedList is better for manipulating data.
Q6. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList ?
Ans: ArrayList internally uses dynamic array to sore the elements and LinkedList internally uses Double Linked List to store the elements.
For manipulatation ArrayList is Slow becuase it's internally uses array and LinkList is faster because it's uses Double Linked List.
ArrayList is goven good performance in Sorting and Accessing data and LinkedList is better for manipulating data.
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