ABB: Activity Based Budgeting
ABC: Activity Based Costing
ABC Costing: Activity Based Costing
ABM: Activity BasedManagement
ABI: Automated Broker Interface
ABP: Activity Based Planning
ACAT: See: Acquisition Categories
Accessorial Fee: See: Accessorial charges
ACD: Automated Call Distribution
ACE: Automated Commercial Environment
ACH: Automated Clearinghouse
APS: Advanced Planning and Scheduling
AQ: Any quantity rate
AQL: Acceptable Quality Level
A/R: Accounts Receivable
Actual Costs: The actual labor, material, and allocated overhead costs incurred in the acquisition or production ofa product.
Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN): Detailed shipment information transmitted to a customer or consignee in advance of delivery, designating the
contents (individual products and quantities of each) and nature of the shipment. In EDI data standards it is referred to as an “856 transaction.” It may
also include carrier and shipment specifics, including time of shipment and expected time of arrival. Also known as an assumed receipt.
AGVS: Automated Guided Vehicle System.
Air Cargo: Freight that is moved by air transportation.
Air Cargo Containers: Containers designed to conformto the insideofan aircraft. There are many shapes and sizes of containers. Air cargo
containers fall into three categories: 1) air cargo pallets 2) lower deck containers 3) box type containers.
Air Waybill (AWB): A bill of lading for air transport that serves as a receipt for the shipper, indicates that the carrier has accepted the goods listed,
obligates the carrier to carry the consignment to the airport ofdestination according to specified conditions.
AMS: Automated Manifest System
ANSI: American National Standards Institute.
A/P: Accounts Payable
Approved Vendor List (AVL): List of the suppliers approved for doing business. The AVL is usually created by procurement or sourcing and
engineering personnel using a variety of criteria such as technology, functional fit of the product, financial stability, and past performance of the
AQL: Acceptable Quality Level
Available to Sell (ATS): Total quantity of goods committed to the pipeline for a ship to or selling location. This includes the current inventory at a
location and any open purchase orders.
Back Order: Product ordered but out of stock and promised to ship when the product becomes available.
Balance to Ship (BTS): Balance or remaining quantity of a promotion or order that has yet to ship.
BAM: Business Activity Monitoring
BCP: Business ContinuityPlan
Bill of Material (BOM): A structured list of all the materials or parts and quantities needed to produce a particular finished product, assembly,
subassembly, or manufactured part, whether purchased or not.
Bin: An inventory location which is typically a box or tray used to hold quantities of smaller parts.
BOL: Bill of Lading
BOK: Body of Knowledge
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM): A term which refers to capturing operational data in real-time or close to it, making it possible for an
enterprise to react more quickly to events. This is typically done through software and includes features to provide alerts / notifications when specific
events occur. See also:Supply Chain Event Management
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): The practice ofoutsourcing non-core internal functions to third parties. Functions typically outsourced
include logistics, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and human resources. Other areas can include IT development or complete
management of the IT functions of the enterprise.
Business-to-Business (B2B): As opposed to business-to-consumer (B2C). Many companies are now focusing on this strategy, and their sites are
aimed at businesses (think wholesale) and only other businesses can access or buy products on the site. Internet analysts predict this will be the
biggest sectoron theWeb.
ABC: Activity Based Costing
ABC Costing: Activity Based Costing
ABM: Activity BasedManagement
ABI: Automated Broker Interface
ABP: Activity Based Planning
ACAT: See: Acquisition Categories
Accessorial Fee: See: Accessorial charges
ACD: Automated Call Distribution
ACE: Automated Commercial Environment
ACH: Automated Clearinghouse
APS: Advanced Planning and Scheduling
AQ: Any quantity rate
AQL: Acceptable Quality Level
A/R: Accounts Receivable
Actual Costs: The actual labor, material, and allocated overhead costs incurred in the acquisition or production ofa product.
Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN): Detailed shipment information transmitted to a customer or consignee in advance of delivery, designating the
contents (individual products and quantities of each) and nature of the shipment. In EDI data standards it is referred to as an “856 transaction.” It may
also include carrier and shipment specifics, including time of shipment and expected time of arrival. Also known as an assumed receipt.
AGVS: Automated Guided Vehicle System.
Air Cargo: Freight that is moved by air transportation.
Air Cargo Containers: Containers designed to conformto the insideofan aircraft. There are many shapes and sizes of containers. Air cargo
containers fall into three categories: 1) air cargo pallets 2) lower deck containers 3) box type containers.
Air Waybill (AWB): A bill of lading for air transport that serves as a receipt for the shipper, indicates that the carrier has accepted the goods listed,
obligates the carrier to carry the consignment to the airport ofdestination according to specified conditions.
AMS: Automated Manifest System
ANSI: American National Standards Institute.
A/P: Accounts Payable
Approved Vendor List (AVL): List of the suppliers approved for doing business. The AVL is usually created by procurement or sourcing and
engineering personnel using a variety of criteria such as technology, functional fit of the product, financial stability, and past performance of the
AQL: Acceptable Quality Level
Available to Sell (ATS): Total quantity of goods committed to the pipeline for a ship to or selling location. This includes the current inventory at a
location and any open purchase orders.
Back Order: Product ordered but out of stock and promised to ship when the product becomes available.
Balance to Ship (BTS): Balance or remaining quantity of a promotion or order that has yet to ship.
BAM: Business Activity Monitoring
BCP: Business ContinuityPlan
Bill of Material (BOM): A structured list of all the materials or parts and quantities needed to produce a particular finished product, assembly,
subassembly, or manufactured part, whether purchased or not.
Bin: An inventory location which is typically a box or tray used to hold quantities of smaller parts.
BOL: Bill of Lading
BOK: Body of Knowledge
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM): A term which refers to capturing operational data in real-time or close to it, making it possible for an
enterprise to react more quickly to events. This is typically done through software and includes features to provide alerts / notifications when specific
events occur. See also:Supply Chain Event Management
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): The practice ofoutsourcing non-core internal functions to third parties. Functions typically outsourced
include logistics, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and human resources. Other areas can include IT development or complete
management of the IT functions of the enterprise.
Business-to-Business (B2B): As opposed to business-to-consumer (B2C). Many companies are now focusing on this strategy, and their sites are
aimed at businesses (think wholesale) and only other businesses can access or buy products on the site. Internet analysts predict this will be the
biggest sectoron theWeb.
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